Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

Profesionalisme Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah, antara Teori dan Praktik


Leadership qualities is very important in doing something, included in education.  Without  good leadership quality education can’t be develop as well as posibble. A head master is a highest leader in school who organize all about school, teaching learning process, quality of school, etc.
Because of head master have a important role in school, he or she must be have a professional quality of work to develop education in Madrasah. Head master must have clear visi and missi to carry out education in their Madrasah. Head master must be have a good quality of leadeship to be develop the quality education of Madrasah.
But the theory is in contradiction with the facts. So many head master in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah not have a good quality of leadership, can’t work professionally, can’t be justify with their job, etc.
This is the problem of education in Indonesia, especially in Madrasah that a head master cant be work as their job as well as posibble. The goverment must do someting to clear this problem like make seminar about professionalism, leadership to the head master and teacher, and always do supervise in education role.